Just a small announcement to say that we have put together a dedicated Facebook page relating to our ever-popular gutter cleaning service.

The same fantastic service and great results from our unique SkyVac system, with an on-board camera that can give visual proof that your gutters HAVE been cleaned.


  • No additional costs due to scaffold/cherry picker hire, and ladder erection.
  • Visual proof that your gutter has been cleaned (traditionally, you’ve got to take the contractor’s word for it).
  • Because the system is so simple and effective, the time spent on the job by ourselves is reduced dramatically, hence, the very affordable cost to you, the client.
  • If you get your gutters cleaned once a year, this will greatly reduce the chance of problems occurring to your property.

McKnight Building Preservation deals with a lot of ‘internal’ wet and dry rot problems caused by the simplest of issues, and the majority of these pertaining to external problems like ‘dirty gutters’. It’s a simple solution, that if tackled regularly, can reduce the chance of thousands of pounds worth of damage internally.

Call us now on 07793680185 (we’re based in Aberdeen, Scotland)
Email: info@mcknightbuildingpreservation.co.uk

Or visit our dedicated Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/aberdeenguttercleaning/